Philadelphia has been a one-roaster kind of town for almost 2 decades now. When La Colombe opened its doors in 1994 it was a revelation for restaurants and café goers of Philly. They had never been exposed to coffee outside of WaWa’s.

ReAnimator’s Team
Today, coffee culture has caught up but it is still Colombe country in the town Ben Franklin built. A new generation is brewing with a handful of young garage-band-type roasters setting up shops in bombed out corners of Philly’s alternative neighborhoods and producing quality, locally roasted coffees.
Deep in the gills of Fishtown in a desolate ally-way ReAnimator Coffee Roasters is doing its share to breath new life into the cities coffee scene. Currently roasting for wholesale and web orders only on a beautiful Probat; the team at ReAnimator is made up of four dudes sick of desk jobs and fully in love with coffee. Mark Corpus and Mark Mark Capriotti started the company a few years back. Today, they offer a menu of single origins and only one blend, simply titled, Espresso.
Look out for their first café coming in the next month or so at 1523 E. Susquehanna Ave. They will serve espresso drinks and pour-over only.
Also in the city of brotherly love comes the sibling rivalry that produces great coffee, Rival Bros Coffee Roasters. Damien Pileggi and Jonathan Adams (Johnny Mac) are a coffee dream team that have been friends since they were tikes. John has been a chef for over a decade in some of

Damien Pileggi(L) and Jonathan Adams(R) pouring passion into each drink.
the best kitchens in NY, Philly and Spain. Damien worked with Philly favorite La Colombe for years in San Francisco and PA. Between the two of them, they know flavor, service and luckily, how to drive. Rival Bros is a mobile café outfitted in an old UPS delivery truck and they are making the rounds at 33rd and Arch Monday – Friday and now 23rd and Arch at the PhillyPhair every Saturday.
Of course, Counter Culture, Blue Bottles and even Joe: Art of Coffee can be found around town but we’re hoping that Rival Bros and ReAnimator keep the flame burning with the hometown flavor that makes Philly full of coffee Phanatics.